
It’s time to work smarter with the Mind of Many. BrainEKP, TheBrain’s Enterpri...
    TeamBrain 是支持团队协同的思维导图软件
        MindManager for Windows是Mindjet公司出品的一个新产品,用于让你从每日大量的数据、繁...

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          出版厂商:TheBrain 版  本:
          语  言:中文简体 授权期限:
          上架时间:2014-08-05 交货方式:
          配货周期: 市场价格:


           Exchanging ideas by email and accessing folder drives usually doesn’t inspire much innovation. But creating a visual network of your team’s thinking does.

          Introducing TeamBrain - designed for easy and fluid knowledge exchange and collaboration.

          TeamBrain enables everyone to work together in a single Brain that’s automatically synchronized. You can work offline from your desktop or online.

          This enhanced context generates a powerful and ever evolving thought network - a place where ideas grow, breakthroughs happen naturally and everyone gets more done.


          TeamBrain = Less Meetings + More Results
          • Synchronize your Brains through TheBrain’s secure cloud services
          • Start sharing Thoughts and ideas in minutes.
          • Get instant access to your group's files, ideas and projects
          • Use rich client authoring software (TheBrain) and sync your changes
          • Make connections to ideas and see key business strategy
          • Get everyone up to speed and on the same page 


          Put Your Ideas in the Cloud

          It’s a live organic knowledgebase, always there, accessible from anywhere.

          Access your group’s brain from the conference room or any machine without installing any software. All online changes can be synced with your client software or you can simply work online.





          Offline Knowledgebase with Convenient
          “Plug and Chug” Data Synchronization 

          Idea generation doesn’t need to stop when you are on the road. TeamBrain lets you work offline on your local computer.  

          You can still use TheBrain to update and store your data locally. When you’re back online just sync your local version or get the latest updates. 

          TeamBrain is perfect for travelling executives, sales reps and field service technicians who don’t have reliable internet access!








          Capture Your Team’s Ideas to Get More Done

          When you work together in TeamBrain, your documents and ideas aren’t just sitting in an isolated folder - they’re connected. 

          This means new employees “get it” faster and are up to speed in no time. You can finally eliminate redundant meetings and calls - while driving innovation.

          Now you can connect to other people’s ideas, leverage team thinking and turn good ideas into great results.





          No Limits Knowledge Sharing Meets No limits Collaboration

          Remember, unlike conventional mind maps or linear folder structures, there’s no limit to the number of Thoughts or connections that can be made in your TeamBrain. So your team’s vision will have no limits.

          Users can add and connect hundreds of thousands of ideas. TheBrain’s award winning interface is ideally suited to large data sets so you never have to worry about running out of space. Your TeamBrain grows more powerful as you use it.






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