一张比数千文件夹更强大图片我们自己的有机大脑并非总是直线思维,大多数情况下,我们需要联想和启发。我们最棒的思维和见解往往是依靠对其他想法的串联和汇聚而得出的,这是“灵光一闪”的基础。这就是为什么PersonalBrain中强调“连接”和“联系”,而不是将所有信息分离显示。 PersonalBrain完全超越传统的文件夹和列表这种线性的表达方式,而是将所有您想到的东西组织成一个信息网络。您不必用文件夹或者列表来表达它们,PersonalBrain可以使您的所有信息之间产生联系。 PersonalBrain适用于将您的信息可视化,并建立一个类似于纸张上的思维导图的数字图形,但相比之下PersonalBrain强大太多了…
无限思维导图 – 它,就是您的数字大脑您可以无限制的将创意,想法,思维,文件等添加到您的PersonalBrain中去。您可以创建一个轻松容纳数千个点子的数字大脑。 点击一个想法即可显示所有相关信息。
动态思维网络 – 带领您开辟大脑新领域传统的思维导图可以帮助人们把他们的想法具象化。一个典型的思维导图能够显示的是,从一个不变的根节点延伸出的不同水平分支。但是,这些思维导图很难让距离较远的两个想法产生联系,也无法表示大量的信息。这些思维导图基本上只能表示一个层次结构,就如您电脑上的文件夹一样。 相比之下,PersonalBrain的动态思维导图则可以无限制的添加想法和各类信息。您也可以使用存储的现有思维导图,从大脑中启动他们。 ![]() PersonalBrain的动态思维导图性能使得添加想法和信息没有任何的限制。 PersonalBrain和其他思维导图软件PersonalBrain是一种创新的思维导图和头脑风暴的应用程序。特别是当您发现原来的思维导图空间不足的时候,您可以将其中的内容导入到PersonalBrain中,使得您的思维导图得以无限制的成长。 此外,您也可以使用PersonalBrain来储存现有的思维导图,使它们相互联系起来,并启动从您的”大脑“中启动他们。 Organize everything. Find anything.
Get instant access to all your ideas and information
There's is no limit to the amount of stuff you can add to TheBrain. You can literally create your digital memory for anything and everything. As your Brain grows you can find and discover the important details that would otherwise be forgotten. Web pages, documents, emails, notes, pictures… All types of digital information can be captured in your Brain in seconds. Just drag and drop to connect all your information the way that makes the most sense to you. The Fastest Search in the West! If it’s in your Brain, it’s instantly available. With a few keystrokes TheBrain shows you all the most relevant things in your Brain. Another click and TheBrain searches a complete index of everything – including the contents of the documents and Web pages.
Ready for AnythingInstant activate enables you to be ready for anything even life’s surprise. If your VIP client calls, just type their name in your Brain and get all the right information and related connections. If your boss walks in activate your meeting notes and fire off your ideas for your division’s expansion.
Context for ActionIn addition to getting the detail you need, by seeing how your information fits into everything else, you gain a sense of control, an immediate visual briefing on how things are related. Get more done.
Master your tasks and to dos with TheBrain.
Your action-oriented Brain will put you in the driver’s seat and enhance your productivity.
Visualize your projects for outstanding results.Defining success is the first step to achieving it. Use TheBrain to start your project and help solidify your ideas. Then integrate all relevant information sources and visualize key project milestones. With TheBrain you'll gain a better understanding of where you are and where you need to go.
Be prepared and remember anything.
TheBrain is a must have app for the overcommitted. Just create thoughts in your Brain for all key events. You can set Thought reminders and never worry about forgetting important events.
TheBrain's notes let you capture key ideas and valuable project information. Notes can include any HTML including right formatting, outlines, checkboxes, images, links, tables, and more.
Complete time management.TheBrain has a built-in calendar so you can manage your schedule. Microsoft Outlook integration lets you drag and drop calendar items, emails, and more. On Mac OS X, Apple iCal integration lets you link to events in iCal. TheBrain now has Google Calendar synchronization so any meeting set up on Google will automatically appear in your Brain and vice-versa. You can even use the Google Calendar to sync your Brain's calendar with Outlook and iCal.
Zero in on your actions instantly.TheBrain's Thought tags let you further organize and define your tasks. This lets you specify key contexts for projects so that you will be reminded to do them when most appropriate. For example, you might create tags for "in London," "when talking to CEO," or "errands."
Get to your project resources from anywhere.You projects and tasks don't have to be stuck on your office computer. With TheBrain you can locally work from any machine or online. Synchronize between home and office, even if you are using a PC at work and a Mac at home. TheBrain gives you secure synchronization across multiple platforms. |